About Me

Most folks online know me as Stevie IsMagic. The pseudonym is a remnant from a time when it was unnatural to share personal details with strangers on the internet. Times do change..

I find writing to be one of the kindest forms of artistic expression. And through this blog I wish to share the knowledge I've aquired on my human journey. Sir Isaac Newton famously said if today we see further, it is because we stand on the shoulders of giants. In my hunble opinion, we each owe it to the future to contribute our unique bits of experience, however small they may seem.

I'm currently working on a handful of projects that I'll slowly share with you soon as I build out this site. My most important ones involve helping my parents actualize their life dreams. It's the least I can do for the two people who have literally given me their everything. Stay tuned for more details..

Outside of creative pursuits, I'm an aspiring beach bum yogi. The sea is a source of great peace and inspiration for me. I am, after all, a water sign Y'all. ~